8 Media Bed + 40 Raft Commercial PA 24VDC 555W 40000L Aquaponic System components


At Practical Aquaponics we approach commercial scale by replicating successful, proven modules. We do not design, build or supply large contiguous systems because of the inherent complexity and high risk posed by larger single source Systems. The 8MB+40DWC Raft+120GB +4FT+1Dual Sump Advanced system provides about 200 square meters of solid, continuous growing space, and has the capacity to generate 630kg of whole lettuce per month from Deep Water Culture, and a variety of fruiting crops from the Grow Buckets and media beds. If you need more production capacity than this, then our advice is to simply put in another module, or two, or three… At a commercial level, it would be advisable to run all modules through one of our automatic change-overs, with stand-by energy in reserve, in case of power failure.


The sweetest of our modular Aquaponics systems with a footprint of 20m x 10m.

The 8 Media Bed Module has the capacity to sustain 40 DWC Rafts


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